sexta-feira, 30 de maio de 2014

Kyle starting a chase!

Kyle in da house! No, really! Just back from a wild investigating night down at the Vesuvius - serious, people, you have to check out that place. They're picky and stuff, since you can only enter some rooms if you're either invited or famous, but the main bar is always open for biz.

Well, my biz was some heavy shit investigating, man!

I have been following up on a lead dropped by a mysterious anonymous caller. He didn't give a name, just asked me to call him "Cacophony". Well, I'll call him honey dovey if he wants, as long as the clue is hot. And this one? Smoking!

After "intoducing" himself, the guy told me exactly this:

"Before Vesuvius erupts, the kings will hit those who wait. Beware the hounds of winter."

Crazy shit, huh? Well, Sammie told me to drop it, but Gomez said there was something familiar about it. He and me, we decided to look into it - I was going to do some googling while he checked his notes, the famous Book of Knowledge.

Well, I googled and duckduckgo'd that stuff, but not much came up. I mean, maybe the Kings were the Latin Kings, maybe the hounds were some nazi nordic gang - who knows, it was all too cryptic. Since right now we're kind of lacking in the contacts sector, I did what any reasonable top-notch hardcore investigator would have done: I posted that shit all over the webz. Forums, reddit, yahoo answers - man, I tried.

The result? One fucking reply. A single one. But boy, was that THE reply. A guy calling himself ReTurner said he could help me and sent his skype. Well, I called him and we talked for a long time.

Turns out he had heard about them hounds. They were kind of a boogeyman among street gangs, some sort of vigilante gang who would show up and drag away everybody kicking and screaming. No names, no numbers, just a few odd stories.

And then things got weird. He started asking about the kings, how I'd heard about them, what I had found out, and so on. It was clear this was an amateur trying to probe me for info. What he didn't count, though, was on me managing to identify the gang tattoo he sported on his arm:

Yeah, baby, you don't hustle a hustla. Since Gomez hasn't found anything yet (he is still nodding and humming on the corner, with that Book of Knowledge of his - more like Book of Not, amirite?), I went to the Vesuvius Club, a couple streets north, just to make sure it had no connections with the eruption mentioned by Cacophony.

Well, no eruptions - except in my pants BURN. Jk, what matters is that I think I stumbled upon something important there. A few booths away from where I was, a redhead hottie was asking one of the srippers to follow her into a more exclusive room. And - get a hold of yourselves - do you know why? I'll tell you what she said:

"I need to contact the cacophony."